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10 of the best core-strengthening exercises you're not doing

10 of the best core-strengthening exercises you're not doing

The rectus abdominus, aka the six-pack, is what you see — but that’s only a small piece of the core. It’s actually dozens of muscles working together to stabilize, mobilize, and generate power.

These are the main muscles of the core:

  • Internal and external obliques, which run along your side

  • Erector spinea, which runs along the length of your back

  • Transverse abdominus, which lies deep beneath your obliques

  • Quadratus lumborum, which lies beneath the erector spinea in your low back.

In order to adequately strengthen the core, you want to move in as many different directions as possible to ensure each muscle is being conditioned.

Here, we’ve compiled 10 exercises that hit your core from every angle.

Want to get a jump-start on that summer body? Take on NEOU’s Summer Core Challenge!

1. Side Star Plank


The benefits:

You work your oblique muscles once you enter the side plank position, then when you raise your leg up to the sky you increase the challenge, further strengthening those muscles.

Try and hold the position for as long as possible. Complete 3 sets.

Featured above: Britney Byfield from MOVE

2. Hollow Rock


The benefits:

In addition to the abdominals, the hollow rock strengthens your glutes, lower back, and hamstrings — all of which add to your overall stability.

Try and complete for 30-60 seconds and repeat for 3 sets.

Featured above: Sam Karl from KAMPS

3. Boat Pose Punches


The benefits:

The boat pose itself engages several muscles throughout the core, but working in a movement such as punches will intensify the burn, leading to faster development of strength and stability.

Try and complete for 30-60 seconds and repeat for 3 sets.

Featured above: Elena Moffa from E3

4. Scissors


The benefits:

In addition to strengthening the abdominals and obliques, scissor kicks also target the adductor muscles, which strengthens the hips. Hip stability is important to stay injury-free, especially in sports.

Try and complete for 30-60 seconds and repeat for 3 sets.

Featured above: Joseph D from PUSH

5. Roll-Up


The benefits:

What makes the roll-up particularly effective for building core strength is the slow tempo. Performing the roll-up at such a slow pace keeps muscles under tension for longer, leading to increased strength.

Try and complete 5-10 repetitions for 3 sets.

Featured above: Amanda Blauer from ABP

6. Alternating Ankle Taps


The benefits:

Much like a roll-up, sit-up, or crunch, alternating ankle taps work the abdominals, but adding in the slight rotations to each side will activate the obliques. This smooth and flowing movement will equalize any imbalances of your core muscles.

Try 12-15 repetitions each side. Complete 3 sets.

Featured above: Jay Markland from Be Humble Movement

7. Bird Dog


The benefits:

What makes the bird dog so effective is that it requires balance and concentration. This not only strengthens the core muscles, but the mind-muscle connection. The bird dog also encourages proper posture.

Try 10 repetitions on each side. Complete 3 sets.

Featured above: Cristin Van Horn from Jane DO

8. Kneeling Kettlebell Halo


The benefits:

The kneeling kettlebell halo commands a lot from the body. Being in the kneeling position forces the core to stabilize, then adding the overhead and rotational motion will up the challenge.

Try 5-10 repetitions in each direction. Complete 3 sets.

Featured above: Lacee Lazoff from Bell’s Up

9. Crab Reach


The benefits:

What makes the crab reach such a beneficial core-strengthening exercise, is that it can also be used as a very efficient total body warm-up. The activation of core muscles along with dynamic stretching is a powerful combination.

Try 5 reps in each direction. Complete 3 sets.

Featured above: Sarah Otey from Warrior Asana

10. Plank Hip Dips


The benefits:

While the traditional static plank is a standard for improving core strengthen, adding in hip dips recruits the obliques to work hard. The result: more overall strength and stability.

Try 10-15 repetitions each side. Complete 3 sets.

Featured above: Rodrick Covington from Core Rhythm Fitness

Want to get a jump-start on that summer body? Take on NEOU’s Summer Core Challenge!

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