All in Fit Life

Is Walking 10,000 Steps a Day Really Necessary?

A recent trend in the fitness industry has been to include walking in your routine. Fitness trackers and pedometers have become staple accessories, and the magic number 10,000 is the new standard amount of steps for everyone to aim for. But is walking 10,000 steps everyday even an attainable goal? And should it be the universal number?

The Office Snack Trap

You’ve set out to eat healthy all day, you bring your lunch, snacks, and refillable water bottle to work. You feel great. Then 3 PM hits and you see your coworker go for a coffee run and come back with a pastry. Game over.

It’s okay, we’ve been there too.

Your fittest body game plan

If you’re looking for a serious way to get fit, your priorities should be improving how your body moves, getting strong, and developing a high level of conditioning. Here’s the game plan to getting yourself there.

The #1 way to finish your year strong

There’s nothing stopping you from starting a fitness routine, improving your diet, learning to meditate, or teaching your kids the benefits of exercise. All of those things are entirely in your control, all you’ve got to do is focus on one and commit. We’ve got you!

The 3 keys to peak performance

You may think that peak performance means you never have to scale back and you’re constantly able to push harder—and harder. That’s not true. The best athletes know how and when to move slowly and when to just hit the “stop” button altogether.