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Working Out vs. Training

Working Out vs. Training

We all understand what “working out” or “exercising” is. It often involves getting your heart rate up, breaking a sweat, or working your muscles. “Working out” and “training” are often used interchangeably, but they are different. Not sure which one you should be doing? Let’s break it down.

What is Working Out?

Working out is an “activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness,” and has the general goal of keeping you healthy. When you work out, you’re taking classes, putting in the effort, and burning calories, but there is no specific outcome you are expecting other than to feel good, and there is no long-term goal other than being healthy. Of course, regularly working out without a specific end goal has benefits and helps satisfy your immediate needs of moving your body, boosting your mood, combatting stress, and improving your physical and mental health.

So, if that is what working out is, that begs the question….

What is Training?

Training implies having a specific goal with an outlined plan. “A training plan will require a commitment for 4-8 weeks for each cycle and have their own SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound). Each of these cycles should take you closer to a larger goal,” says NEOU Instructor, Sarah Otey. These goals can be anything from running a 5K to competing in a sport. Otey also says to “choose fitness goals that include skill-based accomplishments: run an 8-minute mile, squat your body weight, do a push-up, do a chin-up.” Training is much more intention-based and goal-oriented. 

So now we know the difference, but….

Which One Should You Be Doing?

If you want to be generally active and healthy, working out with your favorite classes will do the trick. However, if you have a more specific “why” behind your activity, it might be time to look for a plan or program. You won’t accidentally prepare yourself to run a marathon. To reach a specific goal, you need to train. 

Regardless of which form of exercising you feel is right for you at the moment, Otey encourages you to remember “your workouts shouldn’t always be to run you into the ground. Strength-based workouts will challenge you but may not have you sweating buckets or out of breath. And a recovery workout or extended cardio session at 5 out of 10 effort can relieve soreness and increase focus and mental and emotional resilience.” 

Ready to get started? Head to the Programs tab for a guided plan with a specific goal, or browse our list of Live and On-Demand classes to see what feels right. 

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