
Our team is passionate about sharing knowledge and inspiration in support of your journey to a stronger, faster, healthier you.

Setting Goals and Making Progress

Setting Goals and Making Progress

As we kick off the new year, we know many of you set new resolutions. We want to remind you that progress can be a process, and share some tips to keep you on track. There are five targets to focus on to stay motivated - mindset, consistency, tracking, allowing for adaptation, and (maybe the toughest one) patience!

Having the correct mindset can make or break how much you progress. George Bernard Shaw once said, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds, cannot change anything.” There needs to be a willingness to let go of the current state to let in the new changes, experiences, or results you want. If you are reading this blog or are a NEOU member, you have already taken the first step to open up to change!

While you need to take steps to be in the right mindset, nothing changes without action. We have all heard “consistency is key” when making progress. A recent poll showed that the average American quits on their New Year’s Resolutions by February 1st, with 52% of people saying the reason why they stopped was a lack of self-discipline. We need to remind ourselves that small, daily changes are the things that lead to sustainable progress. Start by committing to a 10-20 minute workout three times a week! Small and consistent habits over time will create progress in the end. An easy way to stay consistent is to find a guided program to follow that you think you will enjoy and feel challenged.

Tracking progress can seem intimidating or even annoying, but what you focus on is what will change and grow. Make sure to set a weekly workout goal in your fitness profile, and follow along to stay on track! It is important to check in and assess throughout your journey - we can often see if we need to modify.

It is okay and normal to tweak and adapt as you progress. Maybe five workouts a week is too many for you, and you need to adjust to 3. Maybe, you realized you have time to increase those 20-minute workouts to 30-minutes.

With all of these steps, the hardest to manage is usually patience. Most goals do not have instant gratification after setting them, which can be where we fall off. Having patience with ourselves and the process allows us to feel less overwhelmed and be more adaptable when necessary. We know you have what it takes to see the progress you want, and we can’t wait to be on this journey with you!

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Introducing: Friends on NEOU

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