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Should You Take a Rest Day?

Should You Take a Rest Day?

Sometimes you wake up and think, “I should work out, but I don’t want to.” It could be a lack of motivation, or maybe your body or mind is just tired and trying to tell you. Taking rest days are a necessity, but sometimes it’s hard to know if you should take the day off or push through a workout hoping to come out of the fog on the other side. We asked instructor Joseph D for his advice to help you determine which option may be best for you!

Joseph’s first piece of advice is to tune in and listen to your body. To help, you can go through this checklist with yourself: 

  • Are my muscles sore? Which ones?

  • Am I under more stress than usual?

  • How did I sleep last night?

  • Have I fueled my body with proper nutrition to carry me through the day?

Another thing to consider is how you are balancing other areas of your life. Finding balance is key between work, family, social life, and any other responsibilities or hobbies you may have. And there is still progress made in intentional rest. Resting allows your body to recover and repair from the physical stress of working out.

On the other hand, when considering if it is time for a rest day, remember your goals and what you are working for, and try not to lose sight of that. Think about how you feel after accomplishing a good workout. 

With all of this in mind, you can hopefully make a better judgment call on what you need. 

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