
Our team is passionate about sharing knowledge and inspiration in support of your journey to a stronger, faster, healthier you.

How to Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday!

How to Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday!

In a season of togetherness, we can feel burnt out, both physically and mentally, after all of the extra social festivities that come with these winter months. Pair the dropping temperatures with the sun setting earlier, potentially one too many cocktails, and a buzzing social calendar, and you’ve created the perfect recipe to catch a cold. Holiday shopping from bed, anyone?

Being out of your routine is hard, but it is important to prioritize things that keep you feeling your best. Whether you are traveling, or have a busier calendar, aim to get your daily movement of some sort. Maybe it’s a 30-minute workout instead of an hour, or it’s blasting your favorite holiday songs and dancing it out in your living room. Whatever it is for you, build it into your schedule and stick to it the best you can. (And of course, NEOU is always in your pocket, wherever you are and whenever you need us). But keep in mind, if you miss a workout, it is not the end of the world, and you did not just ruin everything. We promise.

With all the festivities, there can be decadent holiday treats everywhere. Often, there becomes a worry of “holiday weight” that will manifest itself into new year resolutions. In a month with no shortage of cookie dough and cocktails, there’s also no shortage of “diet” holiday tips and recipes. However, we think there is a healthy middle ground between overindulgence and the January fitness rush.

As your calendar fills up, your to-do list grows, and your phone continues to ring, take time to find your footing. Find moments of peace. Indulge in your favorite treats, and continue to nourish your body in between. Continue with your active lifestyle, even if it looks different. A little balance and mindfulness are all it takes so you don’t have to choose between happy or healthy holidays.

Setting Goals and Making Progress

Setting Goals and Making Progress

Morning vs Evening Workouts: Which is better?

Morning vs Evening Workouts: Which is better?