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5 high-intensity exercises you need in your routine

5 high-intensity exercises you need in your routine

What makes high-intensity exercise so effective is something called post-exercise oxygen consumption, or “EPOC” for short. Ever hear of the “Afterburn Effect”? This is it.

When you work out at high intensities (or levels you can’t sustain for long periods of time), your body needs more oxygen to recover after the bout of fitness is complete. As a result, you burn more fat and calories after a high-intensity workout than you would during a moderate-intensity workout. In fact, a study published in The International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that young women experienced an increase in their metabolism after strenuous exercise.

To turn up the intensity of your workouts, Cardio Burn by NEOU instructor, Cameron Dean, shares five high-intensity exercises that should be part of every routine. To put your high-intensity fitness to the test, try Cardio Burn by NEOU!

Lunge jumps

This move combines both cardio and muscle strengthening by challenging your quads and glutes while driving your heart rate up at the same time. “Make sure your core is engaged for balance, then focus on jumping big and lunging deep,” Cameron says.

Push-up to double knee mountain climber

This move combines core, cardio, and upper body strength. To nail this one, Cameron says to balance the power between your arms, chest, and abs so you can move fast and strong.

Knee to elbow

This one is all core, but when done with speed, it really jacks your heart rate up for an intense sweat. “For maximum efficiency and burn, draw in and engage your core so you can move fast from start to finish,” he says.

Skier jumps

These will work both the glutes and quads as you jump side to side and makes for the perfect lower body cardio burn, says Cameron. For quality reps, focus first on getting a good lunge then work on jumping big. 


The burpee is the ultimate cardio burn finisher that covers it all: upper body, lower body, and core. To keep your form on point, breathe and focus on hitting every element with power, he says.

Ready to challenge yourself with a serious high-intensity workout? Try Cardio Burn by NEOU!

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