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The beginner's guide to getting fit

The beginner's guide to getting fit

The new year is here and there’s never been a better time to make a commitment to fitness. Whether you’ve been down this path before and fell off, or it’s your first crack at it, consider this to be your guide to getting it right.

1. Know what you want and why

The very first step to take in the process of getting fit is having a clear understanding of what it is you want out of a fitness routine and why you’re doing it. Do you want to lose weight? Get stronger? Feel better? Is it a combination of everything or is it something very specific? Are you doing this for yourself? Or is it for your family? There is no right or wrong answer, but you should always first ask yourself those questions.

2. Dream big, but be realistic with goal setting

Once you’ve established what it is you want and why you want it, you need a goal. First and foremost, dream big. However, a lofty goal needs a realistic timetable or smaller goals along the way. Let’s use weight loss as an example. A big goal would be to lose 20 pounds. The reality is, that’s not going to happen in a couple weeks (at least not if you’re doing it safely). The Mayo Clinic suggests aiming for one to two pounds per week. Speaking of weight loss, don’t forget to check out our Weight Loss Starter Pack from celebrity trainer and host of The Biggest Loser, Bob Harper.

3. Find the right type of fitness for you

The options for getting fit are endless, but the key to hitting goals is staying consistent, and the only way to stay consistent is to enjoy what you’re doing. Do you like working hard and moving quickly? If so, then a bootcamp-style workout is a good option. Would you rather move a little bit more slowly? Then strength training, Pilates, or barre might be more your speed. Do you cope with lots of aches and pains? You should stick with low-impact exercise, no matter what type. Ready to get started? Check out the new Jumpstart U High Intensity, Low Impact, and Dance programs on NEOU.

4. Find a good partner or support system

While exercise can be fun, there’s always going to be those days you just can’t seem to muster up enough energy to do it. That’s where a partner or a support group can be there to lift you up. And you know what? The best workouts almost always end up being the ones you didn't want to do. Don’t have anyone to turn to for help? Look no further than the NEOU Members Only Facebook Group. You’ll get loads of support from NEOU trainers and members. Simply request to join and introduce yourself!

5. Focus more on what you eat

The food we eat affects not only our weight, but our energy levels, mood, skin, and more. Learning what and how to eat what’s best for you takes time, but to make one immediate change in a positive direction, reduce your sugar consumption. Research and data back that up. According to a 2014 study published in the journal Internal Medicine, researchers found a significant correlation between added sugar consumption and an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Another study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the more sugar-sweetened beverages someone consumed, the higher their likelihood of developing high blood pressure. For more ways to improve your eating habits, check out this story on 5 quick and easy ways to clean up your diet.

6. Track your progress, but don’t obsess

Depending on your goal, tracking your progress can look a little different. If your goal is centered around weight loss, then the best approach is to take before photos, then take new ones from the same angle, with the same clothing, and the same light every four weeks or so. Four weeks is a good timeframe because results are a little harder to see week over week.

If your goal is to build strength or improve endurance, then make sure to keep track of your performance. How long did you go? How much resistance did you use? How much faster or efficient were you? For performance-oriented goals, track weekly. Tracking your progress is key to staying motivated.

Get started with a new program or challenge on NEOU today!

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