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Set yourself up for a running streak

Set yourself up for a running streak

Nothing beats the feeling of finishing up a good run. You’re hot and sweaty, but loving every second of it. That’s when you know you’ve got those feel-good endorphins in full effect. Now, let’s talk about keeping that streak going.

Getting started isn’t necessarily always the hardest part, but staying consistent day in and day out is.

Here, NEOU instructor and coach, Kenny Ferrer (@kendorphins), breaks down the secrets to sticking to your runs. Want a regular dose of encouragement? Join Run Club by NEOU!


Worry less about motivation

A strong burst of motivation always makes it a bit easier to find your groove. But what about when that motivation just isn’t there? Forget searching for it. Chance are, you’ll be more successful with your routines if you direct your attention to being more disciplined instead. “Motivation is fickle and unreliable, and what motivated us yesterday won’t necessarily work today,” says Kenny. “However, when you’re disciplined, you’ve decided to do something; it’s an unconditional relationship based on self-worth and respect,” he explains.

Action item: Pick a number of runs (and distances) you can realistically commit to in a week and make it happen. Use the new Fitness Profile feature to set a weekly goal, hold yourself accountable, and track your progress.

Learn to embrace discomfort

Once you’ve accepted that you cannot rely on motivation to fuel you, the next thing you need to keep a running streak alive is accepting that there will be some discomfort ahead. “In moments when things are particularly hard, I remind myself that I have survived every challenge up until this one,” says Kenny. “We humans are tough but in order to really know that, we need to discover it for ourselves. That is why we participate in gritty, challenging, elevating things like running,” he adds.

Action item: When you begin to feel fatigued, think about another difficult situation you overcame and how it felt afterward. Powering through a challenging part of a run is no different. Make sure to add Kenny and Run Club as a favorite on NEOU to receive notifications about new guided runs and other motivation.


Warm up and get the blood flowing

Running streaks can continue going strong, but only if you keep your body that way too. Dedicating time to a warm-up is essential to injury prevention. “If I can make the time to run, I can make the time to warm-up properly,” Kenny says. “I never, ever, under any circumstance, skip the warm-up,” he adds.

Action item: Focus on at least three dynamic exercises such as the hip circles, lunges, and squats before even thinking of pounding the pavement.


Show thanks to your body

“You’ve got to be grateful for all that comes from the process of running,” says Kenny. According to him, a run isn’t something he has to do, it's something he has the privilege of doing. “There’s a lot to gain from it both in the moment and when it's done,” he adds.

Action item: As those endorphins start to kick in, develop a habit of saying a ‘thank you’ for the ability to run and all that comes with it.


Cool down appropriately

As tempting as it is to call it a day right after your run - don’t. Kenny says that a cooldown is essential to ward off injuries by improving circulation and aiding in recovery. “Within a post-run stretch, since the body is already warm, the goal is to get a bit deeper into the range of motion,” he says.

Action item: Perform three to five of your favorite static stretches such as seated twists, toe touches, and pigeon after your run.

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