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Josh Krantz Will Educate and Inspire You to Lead a Fitter Life

Josh Krantz Will Educate and Inspire You to Lead a Fitter Life

From a pool of over 200 inspiring trainers, Josh Krantz emerged as NEOU’s Next Fitness Superstar. “I cannot wait to show NEOU everything that I stand for,” says Krantz. An athlete since childhood, Krantz recently founded JK Fit—essentially the byproduct of his passions for sports and helping others. “I really believe in uplifting people in every sense of the word, helping them reach their highest potential, physically, emotionally, and mentally,” he says. To do just that, Krantz follows three guiding lights that you can expect to see on NEOU: consistency, creativity, and positivity. Here, learn more about Krantz’s fitness philosophy, his secret to success, and even the one food he can’t live without. 

Get started with JK FIT on NEOU!

How does it feel to be NEOU’s Next Fitness Superstar?

It feels absolutely amazing, man. I could not be more excited. This is such an awesome experience. I am hyped to be here and I am excited to be a part of it.

How did you get into fitness?

I always played sports from a young age. I took that into high school, a little bit at the collegiate level as well - all sorts of sports. So fitness was something embedded in my personality. I have always been invested in trying to improve myself, especially from a sports standpoint, to be the best. And then I kind of developed that as an instructor, and I went to school to become a teacher. I [have] a degree in physical education and a master's degree in sports management and athletic administration. So putting those two together, I have a big fitness background and most importantly, I just like to see other people succeed. I have a big passion for sports and improving every day. So that really cultivated itself into becoming a personal trainer and a group fitness instructor. 

What’s your approach to getting people fit?

It is three main principles that really stick with everybody. First, it is consistency. You got to show up every day; you got to really give your best. Next is creativity. You got to keep things different. People want to keep coming back day in and day out, and if they feel there is lackluster energy there and you are not switching things up, it can get dull. But most importantly, it is about positivity. I really believe in uplifting people in every sense of the word, and helping them reach their highest potential, physically, emotionally, mentally. So you bring those three principles together and that is really what JK FIT is all about.

What do you think is the secret to success with your fitness goals?

If you are looking to achieve in anything, whether that is in fitness or in your life, I think you have to be consistent in whatever that goal is. Whether you want to improve your strength or you are looking to run a faster mile, you have to put the work in. And so consistency is really that underlying foundation for reaching any goal in life.

Why do you enjoy teaching fitness classes?

I think it is the energy that the classes bring. I started out doing personal training and I quickly found out that I love working one-on-one with people. That intimacy is great and I think I will always have a passion for that, but the group fitness classes, they deliver something a little bit extra. And I feel I can give myself to so many people at once. So why limit myself? We can go from 30 people, 50, you name it. And I just feel the energy radiates throughout the room, the space, the field, wherever we are at. And I just love to see that many people succeed and uplift one another. And through my positivity, I think everybody else, that is contagious. Everybody else is having a good time, of course we are playing good music, the energy is on a thousand. And I think that is what it is all about. Really having a great time. 

What do you hope people will take away from your classes?

I hope, first and foremost, they have a great workout. I think that has to be the number one thing you take away. Before you can really enjoy your instructor, you want to know that you got a great workout from them. And I think through my personality, people will start to build that connection with me. They will look forward to doing more workouts with me. I know we can create that bond where they trust me to help guide them in and out on their daily workouts and we really foster that connection. So I hope I can be someone that they look to for motivation. And that they can communicate with me, they trust me, and they feel I am their go-to guy to motivate them. Let’s go.

Who is Josh outside of fitness?

I am a character, man. I love to have a great time. I am a funny guy. I love to relax. Of course, I am active, so anything active, whether it is sports, going for a hike. Anything that is going to be adventurous, that is up my alley. But I also love to chill out too. I am always go, go, go. So if I can relax, put my feet up, play video games, Netflix, spend time with my beautiful fiancée. All that is great. I am a family man too. So, any time with the family is always encouraged.

Rapid Fire Questions

One thing you need on a deserted Island?

It has got to be Michelle, my fiancée. If I got her, we will figure it out. 

One food you could never live without?

No brainer: French toast. 

Clothing size, one too small or three too big?

I would rather the clothes be too tight so I can show the guns. Let’s go.

Night in or night out?

COVID, night in. Not COVID, night out.

Shower or bath?


Summer or winter?

Summer. Come on, that is easy. Let’s go summertime. Sun’s out, guns out.

Your number one pump-up song of all time?

DMX’s “Party Up”

Dream destination?

Amalfi Coast.

Pet peeve?

People chewing with their mouth open.

Favorite guilty pleasure?

Eating whipped cream out of the can.

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