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Jason Khalipa's 5 pillars to a high-performance mindset

Jason Khalipa's 5 pillars to a high-performance mindset

Jason Khalipa is hands down one of the biggest names in fitness. He’s a legend within the CrossFit community, a successful entrepreneur, and the creator of the AMRAP Mentality, which, according to him, “is a simple yet demanding process that will help you take control of your life and harness your true potential.”

Jason has applied these five pillars not only in his competitive days, but in his personal life as well. 

In 2016, Jason and his wife were dealt with one of the most difficult challenges anyone can face. Their daughter, Ava, was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of four. “That rocked our world, and rocked our world for the next three years,” he said. “That’s a long time to stay positive and stay in the fight. That was the hardest part,” he adds.

Despite the difficulty, Jason and his wife Ashley bonded together, applied the AMRAP Mentality, and fought side by side with Ava until she was fortunately declared cancer-free in 2018. 

“I don’t wish the experience we went through on anybody, however, going through the experience changed me for the better, and with the AMRAP Mentality, we were perfectly set up to manage everything.”

Here, Jason lays out his 5 pillars to overcoming and conquering all of life’s challenges:

Get started with AMRAP Mentality. Work out with Jason on NEOU.

1. Know your “why”

“Your ‘why’ guides your actions and keeps you on course,” says Jason. “Without a strong ‘why’ you can get lost, distracted, or chasing the wrong things,” he explains.

2. Focus on what you can control

“In life, business, or competition, things are divided into two categories: what you can control and what you cannot control,” says Jason. “You’ll be more successful (and happy) when you focus on things you can control.”

3. Work hard

“There’s no better way to accomplish your goals than to work really hard,” says Jason. “Roll up your sleeves, ditch the excuses, and start grinding,” he adds.

4. Shift gears

When you’re shifting from one thing to another, you’ve got to make sure you’re present and all in, Jason says. “If you’re thinking about one thing, but doing another, you will not achieve optimal results,” he explains.

5. Re-evaluate

“Over time your goals or ‘why’ may change, and that’s OK,” says Jason. “It’s important to stay connected to the world around you and not stay locked into something that’s no longer right for you,” he adds.

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