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8 ways to boost your confidence

8 ways to boost your confidence

“Confidence can mean different things to different people, but ultimately, confidence is about being authentic or being brave enough to live authentically,” says Cristin Van Horn from Jane DO. “Confidence is literally at the core of being a healthy adult,” she adds.

It might come naturally for some, but for others, it can be a lot harder to tap into, especially when it feels like the outside world is working against us. “People are always going to have something to say, positive or negative, and you shouldn’t change yourself because of those things,” says NEOU Director of Training Christi Marraccini.

If confidence doesn’t come easily, you’re not out of luck!  It’s like building your body, the more you work on it, the stronger it gets. 

Use the following daily plan with the help of NEOU expert instructors and start boosting your inner strength.

1. Affirm your self-love

“Daily affirmations are the bomb dot com because positive speak sets you up for the rest of your day,” says Josie B. from VIXEN Workout. Commit to reciting a mantra every morning, such as “I am strong, I am capable, I can handle anything thrown at me!”

2. Reframe your mindset

“Turning negative thoughts into positive ones is certainly useful because you take out the guilt, shame, and negativity from a crappy situation,” says Cristin. “You’re able to see things more objectively and able to focus on how to fix problems rather than dwelling on the fact that the problem exists,” she adds. “Try and find at least one positive thing in a negative situation.”

3. Trust your process

“There is a reason you’re being pulled into certain scenarios of life; it’s either to teach you a lesson or inspire you to work towards something greater,” says Elena Moffa from E3. “Understand and believe that and it will make you a better, more confident person.”

4. Practice your gratitude

“Sometimes we lack confidence because we are focusing on our faults more than our blessings and strengths,” says Elissa Marshall from Breathe and Be with Gesticulate.  “Before you leave the house every day, remind yourself of something you're grateful for.”

5. Go with your gut

“Don’t let what other people are doing pressure or influence you to do things you don’t want to do,” says Christi. “If you believe something to be right or wrong then stand strong,” she adds.

6. Tighten your social circle

“It’s extremely important to surround yourself with the right people,” says Cristin. “You want the ones that are open-minded and kind, and that lift you up and make you think more creatively,” she adds. “Stop spending time with people that don’t have your best interests at heart.”

7. Face your fears

“Fear has tremendous power over even the brightest people,” says Cristin. “But the one thing that all successful people have in common is that they are able to push through fear, take risks, and grow from it,” she explains. “Challenge yourself to do one uncomfortable thing every day.”

8. Manifest your world

“Habits and consistency create our reality, and our words and thoughts shape it,” says Lacee Lazoff from Bells Up. “Change up the old saying ‘bad things come in threes’ and start making them good things,” she adds. “Take three steps to celebrate yourself: wear a favorite outfit, call someone you love, or eat a nourishing meal.”

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