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5 quick exercise routines to eliminate pain forever

5 quick exercise routines to eliminate pain forever

Stiff joints or sore muscles are simply a part of life. While frustrating, most are manageable with the right approach. The following routines from Dr. Chad Woodard, PT, PhD, DPT with Symbio PT are designed to not only alleviate specific aches and pains but prevent them in the future as well. His trick: stretching and strengthening.

To avoid injuries before they start, try the “Daily Good Morning Stretch Routine” with Dr. Chad on NEOU.

Neck pain

Chronic stiffness of the shoulders and neck are most likely from muscular imbalances or weakness, says Dr. Chad. When it comes to relieving the stiffness, it takes two things: improving the mobility of the neck and strengthening the muscles around it. According to Dr. Chad, these three exercises specifically target areas that are prone to imbalance or weakness.

1. Scalene stretch 2-3 x / side 20-30 seconds
2. Max Cervical Rotation 2-3 x / side 20-30 seconds
3. Double Chin 30-second hold

Foot pain

“Stuffing our feet into shoes day in and day out is restrictive,” says Dr. Chad. “When we’re unable to move or feel the ground, they can become painful or dysfunctional,” he adds. In order to regain mobility and normal movement, he suggests the following routine to “rebuild your feet.”

1. Toes to shin x 20-30 seconds each
2. Calf stretch 20-30 seconds each
3. Lacrosse ball roll x 1-2 minutes

Low back pain

When it comes to low back pain, Dr. Chad says, “it’s complicated.” There are two parts to low back issues: mobility and strength of the lumbar spine, and mobility and strength of the pelvis and hips. “Our spines and low backs are most healthy and happy when those two things are covered,” he says. Try the following routine for quick relief.

1. Hip flexor with rotation 20-30 seconds
2. Knee to chest 2 minutes
3. Bird dog as long as possible each side

Wrist pain

The culprit behind most wrist pain is either compressed nerves, overused tissues, or a combination of both, says Dr. Chad. This happens from all of the obvious things we do on a daily basis, like typing and texting. Dr. Chad says the most effective way to break free of this debilitating pain is to decompress the nerves that supply the hands and wrists. Try the following routine daily.

1. Anterior forearm release 1-2 minutes
2. Forearm finger flexor stretch 1-2 minutes
3. Pec stretch 20-30 seconds

Knee pain

According to Dr. Chad, there are a lot of factors that could cause knee pain: tight quads, adductors, and IT bands, but weak glutes could be the true underlying issue. “Our glutes play an important role in how our knee cap tracks and moves,” he says. The following routine was designed to strengthen the glutes while also incorporating a stretch.

1. IT band roll 1-2 minutes
2. Adductor roll 1-2 minutes
3. Glute bridge progression 2-3 sets 5-15 reps
4. Quad stretch 20-30 seconds

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