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15 empowering quotes from 15 powerful women

15 empowering quotes from 15 powerful women

In honor of Women's History Month, we're celebrating strong women!

Here, 15 of our powerful and inspiring female instructors share what fuels their power, strength, and motivation.

1. Christi Marraccini


“I was raised to be a leader, not a follower. I hope that I can make a difference and set an example for people to be their own leaders.”

2. Blake Shutterly


“The biggest thing that empowers me is self-respect and self-acceptance. I started showing gratitude for the moments that have broken me into the person I am today and I’ve never felt more powerful.”

3. Britney Byfield


“Strong women handle all things with grace and elegance. They’ll somehow take a terrible situation and spin it into something positive.”

4. Cristin Van Horn


“One thing that all strong and successful women have in common is that they are able to push through fear, take risks, and grow from it.”

5. Haley Stone


“A strong woman shines a light on the next because together we’re a lot stronger when we’re supportive of each other. We're not out there all alone.”

6. Annie Thorisdottir


“I was always told that I could be anything I wanted to be as long as I am willing to put in the work — even on days where motivation is nowhere to be found.”

7. Pilin Anice


“Strength is being resilient, overcoming obstacles, standing up in the face of all challenges, and doing whatever it takes to break through glass ceilings.”

8. Amber Rees


“When we’re doing our classes, having an entire group in there, fighting the fight together — there’s something incredibly powerful about that.”

9. Lindsey Clayton


“Seeing all the strength in other women empowers me to practice my own strength, and as a result, share that with others.”

10. Ally Berlin


“I realized that when I was at my lowest low I was able to build myself up the most I ever have. Those moments can be when you learn to appreciate yourself and what you’re capable of doing.”

11. Lacee Lazoff


“When you work on your own physical and mental strength you are empowering yourself to be your best possible self for those that you love.”

12. Elissa Marshall


“What empowers me is knowing that investing in my own power, vulnerability, happiness, and self-actualization gives me the strength and experience to help others do the same.”

13. Eliza Shirazi


“When you surround yourself with women who are hard working, aren't afraid to mess up or modify things along the way, and are there to help each other, you can't help but feel empowered.”

14. Sydney Miller


“A strong woman is someone that stands up for herself, whether it’s a popular opinion or not. They’re not afraid to go for what they want or believe in.”

15. Elena Moffa


"What I do isn't about me, it's about who I'm standing in front of. The fact that I can make people smile and help them feel strong is a really cool thing. Empowering others is what empowers me.”

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