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Get Moving to Manage Stress

Get Moving to Manage Stress

It’s no secret that working out is good for you, but it’s more than just cardio and toning muscles. Exercising when you’re feeling stressed can be a huge help in improving your mood and clearing your mind. You might even notice that shifting your mindset from purely physical benefits to mental and emotional benefits will improve your workouts and leave you feeling even better and more accomplished than before. 

How does this happen? In the short term, exercising will help your body lower your stress hormones, like cortisol, as well as release endorphins, which are a natural painkiller and mood booster, and can be attributed to giving you that “runner’s high” or feeling of relaxation after a good workout. Studies done by the Harvard Medical School have shown that once exercising becomes more regular, there is a decrease in overall levels of tension, it elevates and stabilizes your mood, improves sleep, and improves self-esteem. 

Long day at work? Hop on the treadmill. Need to release some frustration? Book a boxing class with Joseph D. Can’t get your mind to stop racing? Practice yoga with Breathe and Be. There’s not just one right answer to what type of workout will benefit you, or how long. Even just five minutes of exercise or meditation can stimulate anti-anxiety effects.

So next time you’re feeling mentally exhausted, treat yourself to some movement. Your mind and body will thank you.

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