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The 3 non-negotiable rules to fitness success

The 3 non-negotiable rules to fitness success

According to NEOU instructors Sam Fick and Zach White from Sweat to Success (S2S) there are no “secrets” to transforming your body or redefining your life other than sweat equity and hard work.

Here, the duo shares their no-frills approach to achieving the body you’ve always wanted.

Rule # 1. Show up

If you don’t actually try, you’ll never get anywhere. And there’s no better time to start than now, says Zach. Pushing a workout to “tomorrow” or “after the holidays” is an excuse that will go on forever. “Winning is all about showing up,” he says.

Rule #2. Get uncomfortable

“Nobody gets anywhere by taking the easy path,” says Zach. Simply going through the motions of a workout isn’t what leads to results, hard work does. “Being uncomfortable is what creates growth. If you’re uncomfortable, then you’ve already started growing,” he adds.

Rule #3. Never give up

Everyone falls out of their workout routine from time to time, and it’s okay, says Sam. “The key to overcoming a roadblock is to believe that all is not lost.” Get back up, dust yourself off, and start sweating again. 

Put in some work by trying Sam’s “Sweat Sesh” class or Zach’s “Whole Lotta Abs” class on NEOU.

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