
Our team is passionate about sharing knowledge and inspiration in support of your journey to a stronger, faster, healthier you.

6 workouts you'll love to do with your partner

6 workouts you'll love to do with your partner

Working out is always a lot more fun when you’re doing it with someone else, but the fun factor isn’t the only benefit. Science shows it actually motivates you to be your best, healthiest, self.

Case in point: researchers at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that husbands were 70% more likely to achieve the expert-recommended amount of cardiovascular exercise in a week if their wife did. And if the husband leads the charge, the wife would be 40% more likely to reach her goal.

If you’re looking for new ways to work out with your special someone, try some of the following routines from NEOU instructor-couples below. Want more? Explore the full classes on NEOU.


1. Sam & Chelsea (S2S)

“When I don’t feel like hitting the gym on a Saturday morning or if I’m on vacation, Chelsea is right there to keep me pushing. The accountability and motivation I get from working out with her is something that’s hard to match on my own.” - Sam Fick

Work out with Sam from Sweat to Success on NEOU!

2. Elissa & Ricardo (Breathe & Be with Gesticulate)

“Practicing with another human being forces you to put your phone aside and get present to what’s happening in front of you. This time together builds important relationship and social skills, giving us a sense of purpose and overall happiness. And, physical touch releases serotonin and dopamine that give you a chemical dose of happiness.” - Elissa Marshall

Practice with Elissa from Breathe & Be with Gesticulate on NEOU!

3. Jay & Alex (Be Humble Movement)

“We don’t work out like this all the time, but when we’re on vacation this is one couples challenge we love, especially when there’s limited equipment or no gym in our hotel.” - Jay Markland

Work out with Jay from Be Humble Movement on NEOU!

4. Blake & Jonno (BASE)

“Jonno and I both work so hard to not let each other down in any way, and that transfers over into our daily life. We’re always proud of each other after a tough workout!” - Blake Shutterly

Work out with Blake from BASE on NEOU!

5. Britney & Dan (MOVE)

“Fitness has always been a priority in both of our lives so it’s nice having someone who has similar values and routines. Exercising together gives us an extra activity we can do together that is beneficial to our future.” - Britney Byfield

Work out with Britney from MOVE on NEOU!

6. Mike & Marie (Power Monkey Fitness)

“Without fitness we would have never met, and now that’s a special moment we get to spend every day that we’re together. When we prioritize working out together it adds value to every aspect of our relationship.” - Mike Cerbus

Work out with Mike from Power Monkey Fitness on NEOU!

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