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Find focus and balance with barre

Find focus and balance with barre

We all approach fitness differently. Maybe you like the challenge of weights or fighting through intense intervals. Or, is it the constant pursuit of a “runner’s high” that does it for you? Maybe you just can’t seem to get enough dance cardio. Whatever your preferred form of exercise, it’s good to get a dose of variety from time to time, and barre might be exactly what you’re missing.

Intrigued to give barre a try? Check out The Barre Code, Forme Barre, and barre.[d] on NEOU!

What is barre?

Barre was first developed by ballerina Lotte Berk in 1959 to rehab herself from a back injury by combining ballet barre exercises with rehabilitation therapy. The workouts consist of slow, controlled, high-repetition movements that predominantly focus on strengthening the core, improving posture, alignment, and muscular endurance. While these workouts are low-impact and low-risk, they are also very challenging.

Barre workouts can be done with little or no equipment at all. Common pieces include a barre (or table, desk, countertop or chair for at-home routines), light weights (typically no more than 5 pounds), a mini exercise ball, and a mini band.

Why you should try it.

If you’re into bootcamp, strength, running, and or even dance, barre can help strengthen “holes” in your fitness by shifting your focus to strengthening stabilizer muscles.

Stabilizer muscles provide support to the muscles and joints performing a movement. For example, during a squat your glutes and quads are primarily driving the movement, however, your abs, hamstrings, calves, and muscles in the lower back and hips are all helping to stabilize. The slow and controlled nature of barre exercises will strengthen those stabilizers, and as a result, improve your squat.

If you’re nursing an injury or aches and pains, barre will bring you back safely and effectively.

If you’re completely new to exercise, barre will help you become more connected with your body.

To get started, check out The Barre Code, Forme Barre, and barre.[d] on NEOU!

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